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See How It Started

Before there was NESmaker, there was The New 8-bit Heroes documentary. This award winning feature film chronicles the NES homebrew scene in a personal story about the value of ambitions that are lost in our youth. Rent or buy a digital copy here, or get the blu-ray with 2 hours of bonus footage on the SHOP page!

Byte-Off 2020

Watch this ridiculous web series, which showcases the games created for the 2020 Byte-Off competition. See who won in the Awards Show video, which serves as the finale.

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Byte-Off 2019

In 2019, we decided to begin an awards show to celebrate the awesome work our users were creating.  The NESmaker Byte-Off Awards are the capstone of the Byte-Off competition, where NESmakers were given a month to create a playable demo based on a provided theme.

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